Good weather and an outdoor lifestyle has ensure that sport is a way of life in Australia.
With a large number of facilities around the country it is usually not a far drive to the nearest club, whatever your sport of choice is. Tennis, athletics, soccer, footy, cricket or equestrian – you name it and there is likely to be a club nearby.
However even with all the amenities available it is sometimes difficult to track down companies who service and maintain these facilities. Whilst there are many companies willing to do the work you need to ensure they have the experience and expertise to keep your facility in peak performance. Track surfaces, lighting, lighting poles and servicing and installation are some of the main areas that are not always easy to find the right company.
We have compiled a list of companies who we believe are at the top of their game.
Lighting poles are a critical part of the lighting design and need to be investigated thoroughly as making a mistake in the source of poles can be very expensive to rectify later. Knowing what lights are to be used makes a big difference to what the poles may cost as every lighting manufacturer has different efficiencies and therefore different weight to output ratios. A lighting plan should therefore be done first and then the poles should be designed. Most pole manufacturers’ offer a complete kit for DIY installation for smaller poles or would supervise installation for bigger projects.
Blue Sun Poles
Contact Tony on 1300 412 438
Contact Stephan on 07 3041 1112
Galvanised Poles Australia
Contact Eric on 1300 790 343
Auspole Products
Contact Phil on 08 9417 1207
There are a number of players in this market, some being national and some regional. It is important that you are comfortable with your selection as they are playing a vital role in your club. Many clubs would have a resident electrician who would be able to offer their services. However if you don’t know that right person or need a higher level of expertise there are a number of specialist out there who are focused particularly on high power sport applications, most of which offer a national service with offices and technicians around the country.
These companies can provide a turn-key solution from lighting layout and lux plans, supply and installation of poles, connection and fitting:
Be careful on this one. There are a number of ‘generic’ lighting suppliers but very few specialists. When looking at lighting there are a few things to bear in mind and, as a rule of thumb, price should be near the bottom of the list. Key factors include:
Two well-known options are Phillips and Gerard Lighting, although there are a number of others who would be competitive and offer a good product. They typically work through a network of designers and wholesalers whereas some of the alternatives offer a shorter chain, thereby getting closer to the source.
Different companies specialise in different surfaces so once you know what you need you can identify your best partner. Alternatively all the companies listed below have vast experience and will be able to recommend what would be best for your situation.
1800 663812
Regupol Australia
02 4624 0050
Premier Sports & Leisure
1300 552 882
William Loud
03 9792 0622
ABS Sportsfields
1300 66 36 35
Doing a major upgrade on your club or facility is a big investment and mistakes will have to be endured for many years. Spend extra time doing the research up-front and we can guarantee that you will save a lot of time and money into the future.
Please note these companies have no affiliation with Legacy Lighting and we have provided their details for convenience when sourcing these types of products and services.